Allied Partners Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2019

PRESENT: Eileen Dresser, Deb Annen, Rhea Schultz, Maggie Felker, Ryan Estrella, Ann Moffat, Marge L., Cindy Bacon-Hammer, Molly Plunkett, Wynn Davies, Marian Moldonado, Gloria Manadier-Karl

Eileen opened the meeting the meeting with a devotional reading.
MINUTES of the Dec. 19 meeting were accepted as written.

Wynn went over the 2018 financial reports with the group which included 2 tables- the Dec. report with all 12 months of 2018 as well as a second report showing the amounts contributed to each of the funds ( Eviction Prevention, Allied Scholarships, Special Projects and Wellness Center). There was a discussion of the possibility of finding out the total number of evictions in the Allied neighborhood. The financial reports were accepted as submitted. There was a comment that the eviction fund had the most contributions in the last four years.

There was discussion regarding budget and expenditures. Gloria stated that the Wellness Center is “trying to get back on top of things financially”. There were gas cards and bus tickets purchased in December, however Gloria stated there are limitations/challenges in meeting the needs. She is struggling to get grants to meet those needs. Wynn moved to allocate $600 to the Wellness Center Central Pantry to help meet these needs. Motion was seconded and approved.

Ryan stated that January/February tends to be slower for the Eviction Prevention Program. There was a total of 51 interventions in eviction situations in 2018. Ryan shared some encouraging stories of being able to help out. We also reviewed the Gift Program for 2018. Ryan presented a scholarship application for Stela Braimillari who is hoping to complete coursework and apply to Medical School. A motion was made and approved to give Stela $500 to support her academic career and $500 (a second scholarship) for Khirul to continue his academic career. Verification from both of these individuals will be sent to Wynn to account for these scholarships. There was also discussion about developing a directory the Allied neighborhood containing all the Services available through the organizations housed at the JFF/Wellness Center building. There was discussion also of possibly securing grant(s) for the needs of the volunteer community health workers and the volunteer community nurse and their training.

Neither Alice or Regina were present. There was discussion regarding the change of location for the Community Dinners. A sign up sheet was also circulated for sign up for Community Dinners for 2019.

Newsletter items need to be in to Cindi by February 1. We are still looking for someone to translate the newsletter into Spanish.

NEXT MEETING- February 19 10:00 a.m. @ Boys/Girls Club.
Deb Annen, Recording Secretary

Debra Annen