JANUARY 22, 2013

PRESENT: Eileen Dresser, Marge Lyford, Shirley Robbins, Ruth Hoffman Hein, Sina Davis, Susan Corrado, Jack Tiffany, Barry Hayes and Sue Bridson.

Eileen opened the meeting with a prayer.

MINUTES of the November 27, 2012 meeting were briefly reviewed. The December meeting scheduled for December 18th was cancelled because of icy road conditions.

TREASURER’S REPORT by Jack. The 2012 income for Allied Partner projects was as follows:

Eviction Prevention - $10,276, Wellness Center - $4,599, Food Pantry - $11,090, ADMNA - $325,

Special Projects - $25 Contributions for the Neighborhood Association have been low. Need to promote the work of ADMNA at church meetings. The financial report was approved by consensus.

CONTACTING MEMBER CONGREGATIONS: Ruth composed a list of congregations to contact to determine if they want to become an active Allied Partner member and if they would want a presentation about Allied Partners. Presenters will need direction about what to say. Decided the old video about Allied would still be appropriate. Jack is collecting data about congregations’ contributions for the several years. Suggestion, take extra copies of the community newsletter to church meetings. Pam, Sue and Ruth will meet to plan.

WELLNESS CENTER Gloria Manadier Farr was unable to be present. Following are excerpts from her written report: The Welcomer’s December meeting focused on a presentation by UW students about understanding diabetes. Neighborhood leaders attended an educational awareness training on ways to improve relationships with community officers within the Allied Drive area. The Welcomers’ team offered support to grieving and hopeless individuals and families during the holiday season. Several home visits were responses to urgent financial needs and housing challenges. The Breakfast Club is going well with strong attendance.

EVICTION PREVENTION No report. Ryan was unable to attend because of a heavy workload.

FOOD PANTRY REPORT by Eileen. Christmas donations to the food pantry were down this year and expenses were up. They are now using money from the reserve fund. Susan is considering an idea to make spaghetti sauce from surplus tomatoes and then can or freeze it for use in community meals or the food pantry.

ALLIED COOP REPORT by Susan and Sina. The Coop has received a $10,000 grant to implement a weatherization project in the neighborhood. They’re promoting solar panels and working with landlords to decrease utility costs.. At a stakeholders meeting, attended by Mayor Soglin, Susan expressed the need for building space in the neighborhood for classes, activities, etc. The third issue of the Allied Community Newsletter has recently been published. (It contains a nice article about the Allied Partners organization)!

ALLIED/DUNNS MARSH NEIGHBORHOOD REPORT by Barry Hayes Barr;y has been working with the boys group, Brotherhood (formerly Changing Times), Attendance has been 8 to 15 boys, ages 8 to 15. They do a good variety of activities. Barry expressed a need for funds to provide an evening meal for the group.. A suggestion was made to take advantage of the free excess sandwiches from vendors. The GEMS group went dancing and learned hip hop. An update on the bed bug problem. One building is still being treated. The community kiosk will be put up in the spring. The neighborhood watch will be starting up again.

NEXT MEETING February 26, 2013 at 4PM   Revival Ridge Meeting Room