Minutes of the
Allied Partners Meeting
August 28, 2012

PRESENT; Eileen Dresser, Sue Bridson, Jack Tiffany, Ruth Hoffman Hein, Gloria Menadier-Farr, Selena Pettigrew, Susan Corrado, Sina Davis and Marge Lyford.

Eileen called the meeting to order and opened with a prayer.

MINUTES: The minutes of the July 26 meeting were approved as written.

TREASURER’S REPORT; Jack gave an update on the June data about a previous $600 donation from First Baptist church. He contacted Wynn Davies, AP representative, about the church’s intent for the funds. Response: $300 for Eviction Prevention and $300 for the Wellness Center. Jack distributed a letter he wrote to MUM about the donation. The letter was written on stationary with a new Allied Partner letterhead. The list of supporting congregations was reviewed. The statement “We work together” etc was revised to read “We work together to support the following in the Allied Neighborhood:” and the Allied Neighborhood Association was added to the list.

WELLNESS CENTER; Gloria reported that the Welcomers had their annual picnic in July and it was well attended. The Center is still in need of a medical volunteer for the 1st and 3rd week of the month. However, the medical team continues to provide excellent care, consultation and referral care to the Allied residents. Jackie Hunt, leader of the Breakfast Club is now back following a medical leave. The Walk N Talk group handed out flyers with upcoming dates for their next gatherings.

EVICTION PREVENTION; Gloria reported for Ryan because he was working with a family and unable to attend the meeting. There are no changes to report, because currently there are no funds in the eviction prevention fund.

FOOD PANTRY: Eileen reported that things are going well but the food supply is steadily decreasing and there will be an decrease in government supplies. There have been incidents of volunteers not showing up for their shift. Sina volunteered to work with Selena to develop a list of possible volunteers.

ALLIED COMMUNITY COOP: Susan drafted a letter to be sent out to participating churches along with information on projects and how to donate to the projects. The letter was reviewed and minor changes suggested. Mailing expenses to come from the special projects fund. Susan will check with Dorothy about the mailing list. Church representatives were asked to request volunteers for helping with the mailing. The work of the Coop is continuing although there is no longer paid staff. A good conversation about the evolution of the the coop happened at their retreat. The recycling project was very successful and they celebrated with an ice cream social. Mothers in the Neighborhood attended a two day training with Rent Smart and were certified to train neighborhood residents. A softball team is starting up with their first game on September 9.

ALLIED NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Selena reported that the GEMS group graduated with ceremonies and will continue to meet once a month. The new group for boys has changed their meeting time to Saturdays. They still need funds for snacks. Plans have finally been approved for a kiosk (community message board) at Revival Ridge. Plans are made for a community picnic on September 15. Donations of money and food are needed. 56 families came to the mobile food pantry. The number served needs to increase to 100 to avoid being combined with another group.

NEXT MEETING: September 25, 2012 at 4PM - Revival Ridge meeting room.

Marjory Lyford, Recorder