Allied Partners Meeting
May 23, 2012

PRESENT: Jack Tiffany, Marge Lyford, Sina Davis, Eilleen Dresser, Sue Bridsen, Selena Pettigrew, Ruth Hoffman Hein, Dorothy Krause, Gloria Menadier-Farr, and Barry Hayes.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The question regarding $100 for youth activities (raised by Jack in his April treasurer's report) was addressed by Sina. She explained that the $100 was not used for the jump ropes because games were donated and a number of programs are starting up. The $100 was returned to the Allied Partners. Minutes of the April 24 meeting were approved as written.

Following a discussion about using the $100 for other youth programs, a decision was made to give the $100 to the Allied Dunn's Marsh Neighborhood Association for use in their youth programs. The cash was given to Selena.

Dorothy raised $134 for the Eviction Prevention fund by selling Dianne Steven's greeting cards. Ruth will give the funds to Dianne who will send it to MUM to be deposited in the Eviction Prevention fund account.


Food Pantry - Expenses, $3033.01 Income, $590
Eviction Prevention - Balance is $637.10
Wellness Center - Balance, $1,533.32
ADMNA - Income is not showing up in Treasurer's report because Jack is not receiving information from MUM. Allied Partner's would like to get a monthly report on the Neighborhood Association account. Jack will follow-up with Linda Ketcham.
The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented.

WELLNESS CENTER REPORT by Gloria. The Welcomer's meeting on sexual health as presented by students was very well done and attendance was good. The Welcomers received a volunteer award recognition from United Way of Dane County. A good experience although they were not chosen as one of the recipients to receive a award of$1000. Also the group raised over $100 for the Muscular Dystrophy summer camp scholarship fund. They continue to have a monthly health education focus. In April it was on diabetes. The Walk N Talk continues to meet monthly. The student nurse is leaving this month. Volunteer nurses will be starting soon.

EVICTION PREVENTION REPORT given by Gloria on behalf of Ryan Estella. Ryan is currently receiving many requests about utilities, In April and May nearly one-half of the funds distributed were for assistance with utility bills. This past month eviction prevention funds were used to assist a single mother of one child who have been homeless for a year. Ryan worked with a landlord to get them into an apartment. Currently there are 19 people on the waiting list and only $6 remaining in the fund. Need continues to be greater than resources.

FOOD PANTRY REPORT: Eileen reports that the Food Pantry currently has a good supply of food and for some reason, attendance at the pantries has been lower than usual in recent weeks. There is a great need for volunteers, 9:30 to 12:00 on Wednesdays, especially this summer. Suggestions for recruitment: church bulletins, Spanish speaker from community. Eileen also needs help with heavy lifting on the 4th Monday morning of the month. Interested persons should call her at 698 -9922. She will send to Allied Partner churches a paragraph or two that can be printed in bulletins about the need for food pantry volunteers.

ALLIED COOP: Sina reported that plans for the food cart continue. The Flower container give-away happened. A garbage audit was completed and the neighborhood recycling project is expanding.

ADMNA REPORT by Selena: The community newsletter has been published! Idea. - send a copy to churches to entice them to purchase advertisement. Selena will talk with Boy's and Girl's Club management about the use of community space in the building. Still working on information kiosks. The landlord-tennant dispute seems to have dissolved. The neighborhood association provided a memorial service and a helping hand to a resident whose husband died suddenly. The Freshmobile will be coming the end of June. The Mobile food pantry had 80 participants last month. GEMS application for Emerging Neighborhood funds are ready to go to the city. (GEMS, a program for young teen girls, is led by resident women.)

OLD BUSINESS: We need to contact Allied Partner congregations and recruit new Allied Partner churches. The sub-committee needs to meet again to develop a plan to make visits to churches.

OTHER CONCERNS: Dorothy reported that she is now on the Dane County Board and will be serving on several communities.

NEXT MEETING: June 26, 2012 at 4:00 PM Location to be determined.

Recorded by Marge Lyford