January 24, 2012

PRESENT: Sina Davis, Susan Corrado, Shirley Robbins, Ruth Hoffmann Hein, Sue Bredson, Marge Lyford, Jack Tiffany, Dorothy Krause, Mike Bodden, Eileen Dresser, Gloria Mandier-Farr, and Selena Pettigrew.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Eileen Dresser, convenor.

MINUTES of the December 27, 2011 meeting were approved as printed.

TREASURERS REPORT by Jack Tiffany. Because of computer problems, Jack distributed a shortened version of the monthly financial report. The balance for the AP projects as of December 2011, are as follows:

Wellness Center - $9066.63
Food Pantry - $48,531
Eviction Prevention - $377.81
Special Projects - $334.45
Neighborhood Association - $0

FOOD PANTRY : Mike reported that the churches had good food pantry drives for Thanksgiving and Christmas. and that the pantry is giving out the same amounts of food but spending more of it’s funds because the Community Action Commission stopped giving out meat. Mike also commented that he and Eileen feel that it is necessary to retain the large balance in the Food Pantry funds because income amounts are uncertain.

Mike also reported that they have had to refuse requests from residents to have their food delivered to their homes because they lack volunteers to do it. Susan suggested that perhaps the Wellness Coop could take on deliveries to disabled residents. Gloria and Sina offered to get together a volunteer food delivery team.

Mike commented that the food pantry committee might consider disassociating from the Allied Partner organization for the following reasons: The pressure they have received about the use of the $48,000 in their bank account and that they have felt intimidated by frequent complaints about the food pantry.

Sina reminded those present that neighborhood residents were promised a voice in decisions made by the food pantry committee. She explained that Minnie, who volunteers at the pantry. was named to represent the neighborhood at committee meetings, but has had problems attending because of miscommunication about dates and times of the meetings. Ruth moved that the committee meetings be held on a scheduled basis for a while instead of meeting only when there is a need. Eileen and Mike feel that scheduled meetings are unnecessary. No action taken on the motion.

WELLNESS CENTER REPORT by Gloria Menadier Farr: Gloria reported a busy month in December with 131 contacts. The Welcomers were occupied with a neighborhood food drive. A number of people have expressed interest in becoming volunteers at the Center. They had an interesting program with a psychologist offering pointers on depression and grieving.

ALLIED DUNN’S MARSH NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. REPORT by Selena Pettigrew: Selena reported that plans have been made to install a neighborhood message center and they recently published a neighborhood newsletter. They also had a One Stop Voting Shop on Thursday afternoons at the JFF office. They community meals will now happen quarterly. In order to participate in the meal, residents need to earn it by serving in the neighborhood in some way.

ALLIED COMMUNITY COOP REPORT by Sina Davis. The new name for the coop, Allied Community Coop, was selected by neighborhood residents at a community meal. An information meeting was held and the following topics were discussed: A focus on an outreach component, having a different focus for each month, social events and using time bank hours as currency. The Green Cart project is being converted to a fresh market truck plan. A resident is being trained to participate in the market plan.

NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES: Selena reporting for Alice Howard. Bingo games will start next week. A girl from the Allied Neighborhood has been selected to receive a Martin Luther King, Jr. award.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 28 at 4:00 PM. Eileen volunteered to be the convenor.

MEETING ADJOURNED Recorded by Marge Lyford