ALLIED PARTNERS: - July 26, 2011

The July meeting of Allied Partners was called to order at 4:00 pm with the following people present: Jack Tiffany, Mike Bodden, Eileen Dresser, Dorothy Krause, Selena Pettigrew, Gloria Manadier-Farr and Susan Corrado.

FOOD PANTRY: Mike Bodden spoke to concerns he has become aware of regarding the high balance in the food pantry account. He said that the balance has grown over time and that in addition to money that comes to the Pantry through Partner Sources, they have received one large gift in the recent past. The Food Pantry Committee has recognized the need to have the pantry able to handle replacement of equipment in case of some catastrophe (this would involve replacing multiple freezers and refrigeration units). According to the Allied Partners By-laws, the Food Pantry Committee sets policy and makes decisions regarding the Pantry. Money given to the Pantry can not be used for other Allied Partner purposes.
He opened the floor to discussion. Questions included whether any of that money could be used to supplement the food available from Second Harvest, whether it would be helpful to have a community member on the committee and the content of the Thanksgiving baskets. There was a discussion of the history of the food pantry and some of the operating problems with the pantry.

ALLIED FESTIVAL: Selena Pettigrew said that it has been difficult to get donations from businesses this year. The final planning meeting for the festival is tomorrow. The festival is Saturday from noon to 5:00. Partners are being asked to bring side dishes. They are expecting 300-500 people.

SUMMER PROGRAM: The group meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays and involves 20-25 girls. This summer’s discussions have included relationships, conflict resolution and healthy eating. They have started using a question box to allow the girls more confidentiality in bringing up topics.

EVICTION PREVENTION: There is currently no money to give out.

WELLNESS CENTER REPORTS: WELCOMERS-The June focus included self-care, wellness, and abusive relationships. About 21 people were involved. Following the successful June Blood Drive, the group will be planning another blood drive for September.

NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION/NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH—They continue to work out the glitches and expect to be up and running in July.

BREAKFAST CLUB—Participation ranges from 15 to more than 20.

ALLIED COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR—involves about 30 ages 10 and up. SENIORS—having Bingo weekly, meeting monthly for a meal, and looking at starting yoga classes.

FATHERS were acknowledged and honored by Mothers and women.

TASK FORCE MEETING REGARDING CITY SERVICES—Police, Fire and other city services provided by the Cities of Madison and Fitchburg are meeting regularly with the service providers in the Allied Area. We would like to have Allied Partners listed as a service provider to give us a seat at the table. The meeting is the 4th Thursday of the month at 5:00 at the Boys and Girls Club building. Meeting notices are on the City of Madison webite.
Susan Corrado reported that co-op plans are moving ahead. There is interest in a business development co-op incubator. She is currently working with the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative. She will also be talking to people at the community festival. If they had access to a commercial shredder, shredded paper could be sold to businesses like Jungs or U-Haul.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: We still need either a convenor or a Treasurer. The Eviction Prevention fund is almost broke with a balance of $119.00 With no further business or time, the meeting adjourned.

Diane Williams