Present: Wynn Davies, Eileen Dresser, Ryan Estrella, Ruth Hoffman Hein, Linda Ketcham, Dorothy Krause, Marge Lyford, Gloria Menadier-Farr, Shirley Robbins, Jack Tiffany, Diane Williams (Heritage Congregational).

Jack served as Convener.
EVICTION PREVENTION/JFF: (Ryan) Funds are extremely low for helping with housing; Ryan has sent a letter to the churches. JFF funds are OK until December. Then, the new state budget cuts (therefore, county cuts) may end funding for JFF.

WELLNESS CENTER: (Gloria) Highlights of the May printed report: Welcomers' activities were well-attended and productive, with a very active Welcomers' team. A good Walk N Talk event. Offers to volunteer by the Neighborhood Community Choir and the Walgreen team. The first senior pasta health educational session. The Neighborhood Festival is set for July 30 - Allied Partners could have an information table. Gloria said that the Welcomers are making a huge impact on the community.

BY-LAWS REVISION: (Jack) Extended discussion of how funds are handled and donations allocated. As decided earlier, Good Shepherd holds Food Pantry funds, the Wellness Center holds its own funds, and Special Projects and Eviction Prevention funds are held by MUM as our fiscal agent, managed under Allied Partners direction. The Neighborhood Association funds are in a separate account managed by MUM dealing directly with ADMNA. Linda explained how fairly easily this can work. This arrangement was accepted by consensus. Jack will convey our decisions to Bonnie Wendorff at Good Shepherd Lutheran, as a response to her letter of April 28.

FINANCIAL REPORT: (Jack) May and Year-to-Date report printed and distributed. Discussion of allocation of "Undesignated" donations. Jack will send out information about our decisions made in February and May. Questions were raised as to possibly large "Undesignated" donations and the 50-50 division between Special Projects and Neighborhood Association. We will make a decision on this issue at our July meeting.

FOOD PANTRY: (Eileen) The Food Pantry may need an air conditioner to conform to rules from on high (Feds), so will use up a good part of their funds. The number of families needing food help is rising fast.

-----We need to elect/appoint a Convener. Jack has served well for a time, but is Treasurer. Shirley is Secretary. Volunteers are needed to be the Convener and the Contact Person. Idea: have Co-Conveners. This was tabled for action in July.
-----Diane, who has been out-of-touch with A.P. and had a hard time to find out who, what, when, and where about us, said that Allied Partners needs to be more public.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 26, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m., Boys and Girls Club.
**Decision on "Undesignated" funds. **Selection of Convener and Contact Person.
**Making Allied Partners more available.

Shirley Robbins, Recording Secretary