ALLIED PARTNERS: - April 19, 2011

Present: Jackie Austin (MUM), Susan Corrado, Sina Davis, Jim Davison (First Baptist), Eileen Dresser, Ryan Estrella, Ruth Hoffman Hein, Dorothy Krause, Marge Lyford, Gloria Menadier-Farr, Selena Pettigrew, Shirley Robbins, Jack Tiffany.

1. Introductions

2. By-laws: Discussion of how ADMNA can get funds directly from their account at Good Shepherd Lutheran. It was decided that Eileen (as Representative from Good Shepherd) and Selena will confer with Alice Dahlinger (account manager at Good Shepherd) to arrange a procedure, which might involve a debit card. Shirley (as Recording Secretary) will send Alice a statement from Allied Partners confirming that of A. P. "Undesignated Funds" contributions, half will go into the Special Projects Fund and half into to Allied Dunns Marsh Neighborhood Association Fund.

3. Financial Report (Jack): discussion so that members understand the forms.

4. Wellness Center (Gloria): Highlights of printed report -- An unusually large number of individuals seen in March -- the group "Mothers in the Neighborhood" is growing fast and well-attended -- The Co-op has hired Sina Davis as Assistant Coordinator -- Welcomers, Breakfast Club, and other programs and projects are going well.

5. Eviction Prevention (Ryan): The account is well-funded so far this year, but the future of JFF in the state and federal budgets is uncertain. Ryan asked our opinion on giving help with a condo fee, using the same guidelines as for rent help. Consensus: this is OK.

6. Food Pantry (Eileen): Donations are down due to prospective state budget cuts, and even the food pantry sources such as Second Harvest are leaner. The food pantry board is considering not giving Thanksgiving baskets this year, but instead spreading the food funds which would be used among all the families. Discussion both pro and con, including possible use of the larger fund willed to the Food Pantry. The F.P. Board will discuss at length, perhaps go to the congregations for money for Thanksgiving. It was suggested by several that the F.P. Board should include a neighborhood resident.

7. Meeting time and day of week: It was decided that the Secretary will send a message to the Allied Partners list asking what day of the week is best for our monthly meeting (Tuesday is not good for some who were formerly regular), and asking for comment on the late afternoon time, which seems good for most.

8. Tabled until May: our Brochure and following it up. Also, we need to be sure we have time for the Neighborhood Association report. We will appoint a Convener and a Contact Person for Allied Partners. Before the meeting, Susan will send the By-laws document to Shirley, to be attached to these minutes and sent to the list.

Meeting adjourned. NEXT: May 17, 4 to 5:30 - unless otherwise announced.

Shirley Robbins, Recording Secretary