ALLIED PARTNERS: - February 15, 2011

Present: Susan Corrado, Sina Davis, Ruth Hoffman Hein, Dave Johnson, Dorothy Krause, Gloria Menadier-Farr, Selena Pettigrew, Shirley Robbins, Rhea Schultz, Jack Tiffany.

Jack chaired the meeting, beginning with introductions and the listing of the agenda.

Minutes of the January meeting were approved by consensus.

The 2011 Budget was reviewed. Major changes include a lower allocation to the Wellness Center, and that Special Project money will be transferred to the Neighborhood Association. It was suggested that percentages of Undesignated funds be changed, and 50% be designated for Special Projects and 50% for the Allied Dunn's Marsh Neighborhood Association. This plan was approved by consensus. It was also agreed that $30 will be retained in the Special Projects Fund for mailing expenses, and the rest transferred to the Neighborhood Association Fund. It was noted that Allied Partners members (in meeting) can re-allocate funds if an important need arises; donors may be consulted on this. Jack reported January income of $2,722.

Ruth reported on the recent mailing: 18 letters with enclosures were sent to Allied Partner congregations; 27 letters were sent to additional congregations asking them to consider involvement. First Baptist had asked a question about needs here, and Susan will follow up with them. A delegation (Jack, Selina, and Sina) will visit Second Baptist hoping to re-connect. Other suggestions: Mormon churches, Blackhawk Church, and Knights of Columbus (first we will consult with Michelle Horton of Queen of Peace on K of C). A list was begun of those willing to phone or call on churches which have not returned pledge forms by March 10. We discussed where to put supplies of our new brochure. Ruth submitted a bill for printing that has been done so far.

Susan gave a brief report on the Co-op: a development grant has been approved, which will mostly pay salaries of the Coordinator (Susan), an Assistant Coordinator (to be recruited from the neighborhood), and a Project Manager. She explained some projects and space planning. The hope is to engage faith communities in tangible ways, such as tutoring and offering programs (liturgical dance, for example). Members of the Co-op will shape the programs.

Selena reported on Neighborhood Association activities: working on kiosk (message center) locations; a Community Gospel Choir to be formed; a Black History "Moving Forward" celebration coming up; the next ADMNA meeting scheduled for noon on March 5 at Boys and Girls Club.

Gloria gave a short Wellness Center report: 65 contacts in January; a workshop by the Red Cross on fire awareness; volunteer projects to mark Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; several health programs in January, and more planned; new people are participating in Wellness Center programs.

A committee was formed to work on by-laws for Allied Partners: Susan, Michelle Horton, Linda Ketcham, Sina, Selena, Rhea, and Shirley. They will decide what items (on the list Jack provided of things which are dealt with in by-laws) are important to us, what tasks should be done by whom, what kind of structure we need. It will not be elaborate, but simple and flexible. This committee will tentatively meet on Tuesday, March 8, at 1:00 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. Their document will be brought to the next Allied Partners meeting for discussion and approval.

NEXT MEETING: 3rd TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Boys and Girls Club.

Shirley Robbins, Recording Secretary